The Kee Wah Bakery story began with the humble Almond Biscuit. During the Japanese invasion...
Filled with sesame or desiccated coconut to curb a sweet craving, or with pork floss...
For health-conscious cookie-lovers, Kee Wah’s Egg Albumen Cookies are available with black sesame, these bite-sized...
The Kee Wah Bakery story began with the humble Almond Biscuit. During the Japanese invasion...
Mango Shortcake 2xPineapple Shortcake 2x Cranberry Shortcake 2x
1 - 6 pcs Butter Eggrolls 1 - 6 pcs Coconut Eggrolls 1 - 6...
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3 - 6 pcs Butter Eggrolls
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